If you’re not sure what to do, here’s a list that might help.

1. Know thyself.

Identify what really interest and excites you. Understand that these traits define you and use it to explore career choices and opportunities.

2. Take a career assessment test.

There are a lot of career assessment tests available online. Find the time to take one. The test gives you a lot of insights about your core competencies and work preferences.

3. Ask others.

It’s actually quite difficult to see yourself as others do. It would be to your advantage to ask friends and family on your traits and skills. Your co-workers are also a good source of information. Knowing how they perceive you, what they like and don’t like about you and what skills or traits need to be changed can be helpful in determining your professional profile.

4. What moves you?

Would you be more interested in status or a six figure salary? Do you want to make a difference in your community and the world or just on your company’s net worth?

5. Take charge.

In the ‘80s, when you worked for a large company, you usually could conclude that you would be working there for your entire career.  In those days, the corporation drove your career path, advancing as it saw fit.

At the turn of the century, times have changed.  In the span of your career, you would probably work for at least five companies. In most cases, you will probably work for more than five.  Know which career track you desire, and make sure that track brings you to where you wish to go.

6. Determine the company fit.

With the current emphasis on streamlined and productivity-focused companies, the cultural and company fit are just as important as the professional goals. Consider the values and principles of the company and compare them with your own.  It is important that you feel comfortable and fit in with company.

7. Free your mind.

The career path you choose is about change and more change. It includes expansion and new opportunities. All of these changes require a desire to journey and discover.

8. Balance is the key.

A huge amount of time is devoted to your career when you are in your 20s and 30s. When you reach your 40s, your personal life might take precedence and maybe more important to you. Find a corporation that will provide you with a balance in your work and your life.

9. Don’t hang around.

If you’re not satisfied with the way your career is going, go do something. Always be in control of your career path to have a satisfying career.

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15 Jan 2009 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

Hacking facebook may be the subject of conversation will be a trend with the current trend of facebook. Read the previous article, How to Make Facebook, let cool. After TOP 5 positions in the rank alexa web. on the other social networking. How to hack facebook??

Keyword stuffing? May have become food for those who like to "black hat seo" as written by mas dNox's in a posting to learn seo keyword stuffing. This time I will try to practice the stance that I learned from you :) good luck. This time I will shoot the keyword "Hacking Facebook". When users search on search engines with the word "Hacking facebook" is expected to post my website or is located on pages 1-2 search engines.

We are aware, facebook developers consider it extremely securities of this friendship website. Until now, hacking facebook can be said to the actual hacking. This means cracking not hacking, hackers not cracker. Hacking facebook Yupz identical to create the look and facebook application to a better direction. Unlike a cracker that is identical to "damaging". But the dilemma in the cyber community in general, a hacker is the destroyer. Hacker facebook = break facebook password, change the data of others facebook and other negative stigma.

Hacking facebook facebook by changing the layout to make it more good, like in friendster, each user can modify the look of myspace. The more interesting perhaps, is requesting a lot of friends for the add. How to hack facebook can be done in a way makes their facebook application.

Hacking facebook in the discourse of "negative", trying to get a facebook username and password to others. Either by making fake website facebook, fake sites. Perhaps this is one way applies to predecessor, friendster. Change the look of facebook facebook fake as can be seen the original and user enter facebook username and password so that the data will be sent to the hacker's database to the website facebook facebook rather than the original.

Or by placing a powerful tool to search for a username and password on facebook computers:) must Infections of hacking this one.

What's our facebook hacking others?? What just want to hear "My Facebook hack: (from our victims?? Hack is quite ironic is not it?? With good intentions we can make ourselves rich by hacking facebook in a positive sense. Creating a facebook application either desktop applications or web applications and advertising or lik donation.

Change the image, a hacker not cracker. Let be a rival in the positive:)

tags: change the look of facebook, How to hack facebook friends, FB how to hacking, how to hack facebook, hack facebook, how to hack fb, get facebook password, get email facebook, FB, how to include facebook to myspace, facebook how to edit, how to create a facebook pdf , tricks to hack facebook, hackers how to create a facebook, hack facebook applications, will automatically copy the flash hacking, how to hack facebook users, facebook hackers, hacker facebook in google, what software is for hack facebook, how to edit the facebook, facebook hack software, facebook invisible, hack + facebook, hack facebook applications, how to hack ym, how to install the script on facebook.

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13 Jan 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

Please read carefully and correctly apply ....

A philosophy that says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)", this is what we prove it .... If the concept of honesty if we can generate traffic and greater popularity of the complex concept of expert webmaster or SEO expert .. ? ...
I believe this concept could be home run correctly ..., if this applied to your website in accordance with the:

* Web traffic will be flooded with visitors an extraordinary day after day, without having to worry about SEO or tired-tired of the campaign control every aspect of the world where the Internet.
* Web you will be overwhelmed by an extraordinary backlink day after day, without bothering to hunt link control every aspect of the world where the Internet.

If Albert Einstein used the equation E = mc ² to combine the potential and the speed of light to produce nuclear energy was incredible, we will use the equation t = v1 + v2 for my web potential
combine and your web traffic and to generate tremendous popularity too.

If Einstein's use of plutonium and uranium atoms to create a nuclear bomb, then we use the honesty and accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity.

All you have to do is follow the following steps:

1. Start posting articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post and also given the title: t = v1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally
2. Copy or create the next sentence "MAGIC TRICK" in the bottom number is 4 then put on your website in the most easy to see visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar:
3. Move or change a link or url address of my posts (here-1) replaces the url address of my colleagues (here-2).
to know the url address of my post and post you make is to be by clicking on the title / title of posts we make it.
4. Then post the contents of your url address in here-1 earlier. So you do publish (publish) 2 times, after this post you created and finished in the published, and then you click on the title (title) for posting take /copying your post url address from your browser's address bar, then you edit again this post and input on the link here-1's. Here are the words "mantra" you need to install in your web parts (after the change of his url link in accordance with the above) "Want to increase traffic and visitors your web popularity quickly and unlimited ...? ...
Leave it to me ..., I'll do it for you FREE ...! .. Click here-1 and here-2 "
So after the sentence "MAGIC TRICK" Put this in your web is: if the user clicks on the link here would lead to 1 posting your link, and if you click here to link 2 will be my post ... and so it continues chain Such unbroken ...
5. Here are 2 links: the link you (my current web link) and link me (my partner web link now). Then replace the (address) "link you" with "your web url links" and "my links with my web url links" (links delete my colleagues).
Your link
My links
6. Done, prepare counter tracker and link such talker sitemeter and technorati to see the results of traffic flooding your website and linkback.

What is t = v1 + v2 ...?
t: The number of traffic going in your web obtained in one day
v1: Number of visitors your website in one day
v2: Number of visitors who have v1 (visitors of your web visitors) in one day.

For example, my website or your website within a day had an average of 50 people .. visitors, and we all apply this concept (MAGIC TRICK) correctly, and of 50 men each have 50 people all visitors from his blog , then we will likely web at visit 50 x 50 plus 50 people on that day = 2550 people, and will likely continue to increase day by day too, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a blogger or a new web Internet world ...

For example, our website has visitors 50 people in one day, and semuannya implement this concept, then the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link to the phrase "MAGIC TRICK" and a link on my link in multiply 50 . and will likely continue to rise day after day ....

Why need to create a link in your link and my link to the post ...?
this is to maintain the immortality of our links, because as we know the link to the post less likely erased ....

Can we do would not be fair or not fair sabotaging this concept, such as "remove all links of origin" and the contents of the website / blog of our own ...? .... Yes, and this concept would not be maximal to prove Honesty is a strategy / best policy ... .. But I believe that we all do not want to drop yourself credibility by doing such a cheap ...

Good luck ....!

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12 Jan 2009 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

There will always be challenges whether one decides to fish either in the river or in the open sea. The important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fish and doing your best to catch it when it appears.

To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is a requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other.

The first thing one needs for salt water fishing is a boat.  It can range from a simple row boat to a yacht. The size of this vessel depends on how many people will join the trip.

For people who will do it in-shore, a 15 foot sailboat that comes with a cuddy forward to serve as a shelter when it rains should do the job. The boat should not be heavy and yet adequately sturdy to not be swayed by the action of strong waves or some bumps on the beach or on the rocks.

One should always try the edges of the perimeter first instead of plopping bait or lure in the middle. This is because it will scare the other fish away. By going through the sides first, one will have a better chance of catching unsuspecting fish in the middle.

If one decides to go "down below" some time, a cod-line is a necessity for everybody to enjoy saltwater fishing. A perch-line will also be good and if it's time for mackerel fishing, a mackerel jig will be an excellent help.

The right time to start salt water fishing is on the ebb tide. This should be during an early time of the morning to ensure that the trip will be a productive one. This will put the tide in one’s favor and if the wind is light or not fair, this will also help in going home quickly.

The best place to start fishing is going to a fishing ground that is well known to the locals.

Many anglers who are too impatient move from one spot to another which at times make these people miss a hotspot further decreasing the chances of catching fish.  It is advisable to cast out a couple of times before moving on using different types of bait. This should be done from the shallowest to the deepest point.

Sharks in the area can disrupt people from catching fish. By pouring some fish blood on a paper towel or newspaper and rolling it into a ball then casting it overboard, sharks will follow the current and leave the area increasing the chances of catching fish.

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11 Jan 2009 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

Theft of data on friendship sites such as Friendster and MySpace often happens. In Asia, especially Indonesia Friendster is more popular than MySpace, but recent trends began to shift. FaceBook began loved by the young subjects.

Do not know why more and more are turning to MySpace, perhaps because the facility in a more complete FaceBook, or perhaps because of boredom, or it could be stolen Friendsternya account.

Maybe some people think FaceBook is more secure than Friendster, not really, because basically every website must have a gap, but it all depends on the rapid development of the website menaggapi or not. If it found a new hole in the lid immediately, I guess not much matter. What is important is upkeep.

FaceBook Hacking ways not much different from Friendster. Please read on: http://rosyidi.com/hack-friendster-password/

If you often read a magazine or website or forum to discuss the theft of data then you typically will be reminded to not accept friend requests from people you do not know or suspect, as I have described also in http://rosyidi.com/hack- friendster-password /, but it does not work now. Because they have a new method.

New method is to use your friends. So the thief would be as closely as possible with your friends profile, and submit your request as a friend. And of course here you will not be suspicious at all if she is not your friend. And you will be happy to approve all requests for him. So how do they get the data your friends? They see your friends via your own profile, and then menconteknya all out. Could have to say that the new account, or she could also say that the old accounts stolen, or maybe he did not say anything because you do not remember who your friends on FaceBook.

This method is less popular among hackers friendster, but Friendster was probably stolen by this method.

Possible preventive measures to be taken by Friendster, FaceBook, and MySpace is to detect the existence of duplicate content. So if there are multiple profiles will not be approved.

As for the user, can only just be careful. If you want to secure ask personal questions can be answered only by your friends.

If for me FaceBook identity merely just, not how meksi stolen care, because in addition to any My Account password is different and unique all, if misused my friends would already know my nature so that he too would have know if I can not send a very strange .

So, if your account is stolen, do not take heart, yet it's the website functionality is there for entertainment, so why even make you stress? Also if sold will not sell, unless you are a famous person.

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10 Jan 2009 Posted in | | 1 Comments »

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