Given that Mafia Wars is such a popular Facebook app game, I thought it only made sense to create a Mafia Wars guide. I’ve only recently started playing but I’ve successfully grown my mafia family to over 250 in just a few days. Mafia Wars is a highly addictive Facebook game but it’s also a great place to meet and add Facebook friends too. Everyone I’ve met in Mafia Wars has not only been friendly but supportive and ready to go to war in a moments notice for his/her own Mafia Wars family. Through the help of some Mafia Wars members, I’ve come up with some great Mafia Wars tips on how to play the game:
Mafia Wars iconBank the money – Protect your money by depositing it into the bank. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing it in fights or getting robbed.
Mafia Wars iconGifting to family members – You’re only as strong as your family and therefore gifting to weak members is beneficial to everyone. Make sure each one of your Mafia Wars family members has 1) a vehicle, 2) weapons, 3) armor, and 4) Mafia Wars energy.
Mafia Wars iconProtect your own – When the call for help goes out, you should join the fight to protect family members. That is, unless the opponent is too strong. In that case, bitch slap/sucker punch and make a run for it!
Mafia Wars iconPut in work and buy properties – Work your butt off doing jobs to earn money and complete the various levels. As your Mafia grows, keep buying up Mafia Mike’s as it’s the best return on your money and such property can’t be stolen.
Mafia Wars iconChoose Mafia Wars weapons wisely – Don’t waste your points or money obtaining weapons that have weak attack points. When you join a fight, the weapons with the highest attack points are used first so it’s important you have a lethally strong arsenal. Also, don’t waste your money buying weapons that you cannot use for gifting to others.
Mafia Wars iconStay energized – If you want more energy, don’t waste your Godfather points to increase it. Instead, use your Godfather points to buy four upgrade points. It will cost you 14 Godfather points to do so, but it will help you in the long run. As your Mafia Wars energy capacity grows, you’ll eventually be able to pass each level much quicker and with a surplus of energy points.
Mafia Wars icon2X Level Rule – Your attack and defense points in Mafia Wars should be very strong and should scale according to your level. As a rule of thumb many Mafia Wars players like to have their attack and defense points at twice that of the level they are currently playing. Thus if your on Mafia Wars level two, your attack points shoud be at four and your defense points should be just as high.
Mafia Wars iconFighting loading problems – Sometimes your screen will freeze and refreshing doesn’t help. In that case, just go to your updates and choose a person in your Mafia Wars family to fight. It’ll say something like you can’t fight someone in your own Mafia Wars members but if you look to the right you’ll see the regular fight screen.
Mafia Wars iconReconsider brag gifting – You don’t need to announce that you’ve been gifting. In fact many Mafia Wars players find it quite annoying to see your gifts filling up their news feeds. You can change the permissions for Mafia Wars and other games on Facebook as well as learn how to adjust your Facebook profile’s privacy settings using our Facebook Guide.
Mafia Wars iconHitlist yourself – Select a lower Mafia Wars level in your profile such as a street thug and ask someone to add you to the Mafia Wars hitlist. They just need to go into my mafia, select your profile, and add you to the hitlist. If you want to guarantee that you get experience and you don’t get snuffed-out, ask some lower level Mafia Wars players to attack you. In return you could provide a service for them such as beating up a local Mafia Wars bully.
Mafia Wars iconDon’t waste Mafia Wars energy – When you’re within approximately two hundred points of the next level, refrain from using an energy pack as you’ll be instantly re-energized upon reaching that next level.
Mafia Wars iconVisit Cuba – Once you reach Mafia Wars level 35 you should take the trip to Cuba to obtain more powerful weapons and gain experience.
Mafia Wars iconUse a faster browser – Most people use Internet Explorer to play Mafia Wars but it’s super slow. You’d be better off downloading and installing a much faster browser like Opera or Google Chrome.
Mafia Wars iconBecome a Mafia Wars fan – Adding members to your mafia is one of the most important aspects of the Mafia Wars game. Doing so allows you to level-up faster, earn more money and get protection from other mafia families. While you could send out invites to all your friends on Facebook, it’s not advised. Despite the fact that Mafia Wars is a very entertaining game, many people don’t play it and don’t want to be annoyed with invites.
So what is a Mafia Wars player left to do? Well, one proven way to find other Mafia Wars adds is to join many of the Mafia Wars fan pages and groups. There you can easily find and add mafia members without the worry of knowing whether or not if they will be irritated by the invitation to join your mafia.
Mafia Wars iconGet pimped for Mafia Wars – While you’re visiting any given Mafia Wars fan page or group, try to get “pimped” by the admin for the fan page or group. What is “pimping” you ask? Pimping is a word used to describe a recommendation of a player on the fan page to all the current fans of that page/group. The admin posts your player profile link on the site in front of the thousands/millions of fans suggesting they add you. Depending on the number of fans the page/group has, you can receive hundreds to thousands of friend requests and game adds in a span of just a few minutes.
Mafia Wars iconContribute your knowledge – If you have any Mafia Wars tips or strategies, send them to me and I’ll add them to the official Mafia Wars list. If your Mafia Wars tip is included in the list, we’ll give you credit by adding a link to your name next to the tip to help you grow your Mafia Wars family!
Mafia Wars iconBefriend Properly – Add other Mafia Wars players on Facebook so they can join your Mafia Wars family. When you request the add, include the message “Mafia Wars” so they know what the Facebook add is for.
Mafia Wars iconShare this Mafia Wars guide <=== Share our Mafia Wars guide with your family and friends on Facebook, MySpace, StumbleUpon, and Twitter. Doing so helps us provide more help for you. Our Mafia Wars guide is a great tool for teaching your family and friends how to play Mafia Wars so when they’re ready to join your Mafia Wars family they’ll be well educated and ready to fight for you!

5 Jan 2010 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

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