Most of us try to look and feel our best with diet and exercise. Few consider the most important measure of our health should be given to our skin. Your facial complexion reflects health and life as well as disease, so we should all pay special attention to our face. Here are a few ways to make your skin reflect your good health. 1. Diet and Supplements
One of the best ways to maintain a healthy balance is to nourish your skin at the cellular level. When you are getting the proper nutrients and hydration, your skin will exude a healthy glow. A diet rich in dark green, leafy vegetables and plenty of fruit and fiber are key to healthy living
2. Rest
Sleep is an important component to healthy glowing skin since it's the time your skin cells use to regenerate themselves. It's hard to do with jobs and children, but try to get at least eight hours of sound sleep
3. Hydration
The importance of eight glasses of water daily is the key to good overall health, especially in the skin. After just a few days of 64 ounces a day, you'll see immediate results in your skin's suppleness and elasticity. Water flushes away the impurities embedded just below the surface of the skin, leaving you with a freshly cleansed appearance all day. Water is the only answer to flush away toxins. Other foods to avoid are cured meats and canned goods that are loaded with sodium
4. Cleansing
Proper daily care starts with a sound cleansing routine to remove surface particles and deep clean your skin pores. Try an exfoliating gel or a specialized acne soap to gently scrub away the grime and slough away dead skin cells. Beneath the upper layer of skin lie healthy, vibrant cells just waiting to be released, but they cannot shine until the dead cells are removed. Some people suffer a mild skin reaction to daily exfoliating cleansers, but that may be due to chemical ingredients used in that product. You should use acne soap made from natural ingredients that are gentle to your skin.

5. Moisturizing
After a facial cleansing, a great way to seal in moisture to your face is to apply a peel-off mask containing vitamins and nutrients. One of the most effective masks is a product containing grape seed that seeps into your pores producing a lustrous shine and glow. A good cleansing acne soap can help in that by not being harsh on your skin.
6. UV Protection
You should also consider possible sun damage in your daily skin care routine. If you live in a sunny climate or have many outdoor activities, it would be best to use a sunscreen. Some dermatologists suggest that you should use sunscreen every day, no matter where you live.
7. Exercise
Finally, exercise is of paramount importance to keep your capillaries open and a plentiful blood supply going to your skin. Aerobic exercise works best, but any kind of workout that brings the heart rate up will do. If there's no time in your busy schedule for the gym, try a brisk walk for a minimum of twenty minutes and watch your skin light up with a rosy glow.
Acne Soap - Acne Prevention Product Natracil TM is one of the best acne soap available in the market. This new acne soap utilizes a strategic combination of powerful antibacterial essential oils that attack the infection deep into the pores without destroying the skin's natural immunity. You can get more information on how to protect your skin from acne here:

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9 Mar 2010 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

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